volunteer opportunities

  • VOLUnTEER |  

    HOMEWORK CLUB at Emerald City Commons

    Our greatest need is for volunteers who can come once/week (or however often you are available) to be a caring presence for the children (grades K-6), assist them with their homework (mostly math and reading), help supervise their courtyard play time and chaperone field trips. 


    We also are making halal meals for the kids! In Islam, “halal” means “permissible.” Almost all of the children in the program practice the Muslim faith, and this is a wonderful way to love our Muslim neighbors.


    Here are ways to volunteer and partner with us: 

    Tutor one (or more!) of these days, Monday – Thursday from 3-5pm.

    Wacky Wednesdays - field trips or special crafts

    • Help us buy groceries! 

      • Shredded Cheese

      • Tortillas

      • Halal Beans, Amy’s refried beans

      • Tortilla Chips

      • Halal Alfredo or Tomato Sauce

      • Pasta Noodles

      • Annie’s Mac & Cheese

      • Frozen Cheese Pizza

    • Pray for interns joining our team, outreaching to other kids in ECC, connection with parents of kids who are in Homework Club, and the kids' school year!! 


    For more information, contact Malia Brown,  mbrown@urbanimpactseattle.org or Lynne Faris Blessing, lblessing@urbanimpactseattle.org.